Quebec Launches AReNA to Become a Global Leader in RNA Therapies

San Diego, California – June 3rd, 2024 – CQDM, in collaboration with Axelys, Montréal InVivo and RNA Québec is proud to introduce AReNA, the new Quebec’s RNA Hub. Unveiled at the BIO conference in San Diego, in the presence of the Minister for the Economy, the Minister responsible for the Fight Against Racism, and the Minister responsible for the Laval region, Mr. Christopher Skeete, this initiative brings together key players in life sciences and aims to propel Quebec to the forefront of innovation in the field of RNA therapies.
AReNA promises to showcase all stakeholders in Quebec’s RNA therapy sector at the provincial, national, and international levels. AReNA is one of the five key initiatives of the RNA therapy mobilization project announced on April 30th by the Québec government.
AReNA will establish a website offering a comprehensive overview of the RNA therapy sector in Quebec. The AReNA site will become a powerful communication and reference tool for all stakeholders in the RNA field, both in Quebec and internationally. Find out more at
AReNA will also offer a series of events to foster partnerships between industry and academia, both locally and internationally. Thematic communication campaigns will also be developed to meet the needs of key stakeholders and enhance Quebec’s attractiveness and competitiveness. AReNA will also provide support to partner organizations in their international outreach efforts.
Christopher Skeete, Minister for the Economy, Minister Responsible for the Fight Against Racism and Minister Responsible for the Laval Region: “Projects like AReNA are a great way to build a robust RNA industry in Quebec. If we combine our resources, we can stand out as leaders in this exciting field.”
Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region: “Quebec is fortunate to have world-class researchers developing RNA-based therapies. With projects like this, Quebec will continue to make a mark worldwide in this strategic sector.”
“The creation of AReNA represents a significant new milestone in the emergence and development of the RNA therapy sector in Québec. In addition to showcasing and promoting Québec’s expertise in RNA therapies on a national and international scale, this new hub will strengthen links between academic research and life sciences stakeholders in Québec. These are new tools that will help Quebec commercialize its innovative RNA technologies in local, national, and international markets, including those developed in our public research centers,” emphasized Jesse Vincent-Herscovici, CEO of Axelys.
Diane Gosselin, CEO of CQDM: “As the biopharmaceutical world enters the era of RNA therapies, we must capitalize on Quebec’s high-caliber expertise in this field. AReNA mobilizes key players in Québec and highlights Quebec’s expertise, resources, and companies, while stimulating the development of the culture, skills, tools, and innovations necessary to the development of the therapies of tomorrow.”
“The visibility and development of the sector also rely on targeted and effective networking opportunities among different stakeholders. AReNA’s Events component will build on existing initiatives in the ecosystem, create specific events, and attract international conferences. Our common goal is to showcase our capabilities far beyond our province. We look forward to contributing our expertise in event management and stakeholder mobilization to the RNA therapy sector in Quebec,” said Frank Béraud, CEO of Montréal InVivo.
“Quebec is home to a large, highly competitive, and attractive RNA research community that will contribute to the development of the RNA therapy sector, the training of a qualified workforce, and the promotion of Quebec. The creation of AReNA, the new Quebec’s RNA Hub, will stimulate research and innovation and accelerate the development of discoveries by strengthening ties with industry and other key players in our ecosystem. RNA Quebec is committed to leveraging the scientific community’s expertise and working closely with other partners to serve Quebec’s RNA therapy sector,” emphasized Prof. Barbara Papadopoulou, Director of RNA Québec.
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About AReNA:
Established through the collaborative efforts of ARN Québec, Axelys, CQDM, and Montréal InVivo, AReNA aims to unite and champion Quebec’s leading players in the RNA therapy sector. Our mission is to position Quebec as a hub of excellence in this field, both nationally and internationally, fostering growth and innovation in the region. Working closely with key stakeholders in Quebec’s RNA sector, AReNA seeks to maximize its impact through strategic collaboration. For more information, please visit:
About Axelys:
Axelys is a non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of Quebec by accelerating the development and transfer of high-potential innovations stemming from public research. Axelys offers consulting and support services in development, intellectual property management and innovation transfer to all public research institutions in Quebec, in all regions. In addition, Axelys contributes to the creation of scientific companies spun off from public research. For more information, please visit:
About CQDM:
A biopharma innovation facilitator, CQDM is a nonprofit biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to support and facilitate multi-party collaborative R&D aimed at accelerating the translation or transformation of innovative technologies into solutions addressing unmet medical needs, while generating significant benefits for the economies of Quebec and Canada. For more information, please visit:
About RNA Québec:
ARN Québec is a strategic RNA research and innovation consortium that brings together nearly 130 university laboratories from 6 universities and affiliated research centers in Quebec. It aims to mobilize and support the scientific community to accelerate research and innovation in RNA, stimulate partnerships with the industrial sector and support a government strategy to increase the development of RNA-based therapeutic, diagnostic and biotechnological applications for sustainable health and environment. ARN Québec brings together an invaluable source of cutting-edge talent and expertise in RNA, trains highly qualified personnel and is a unique showcase of Quebec’s advances in RNA internationally. For more information, please visit:
About Montréal InVivo:
Montréal InVivo represents Greater Montreal’s life sciences and health technologies cluster, which is made up of nearly 600 organizations, including over 150 research centers, 80 subsidiaries of world-class companies and more than 40,000 people working in the sector. Montréal InVivo is a non-profit economic development organization dedicated to creating an environment conducive to innovation, growth and competitiveness for public and private organizations in the ecosystem. For more information, please visit:
Media Contact:
Julia Serafino
Coordinator, Communications and Marketing
438 543-9498
Anie Perrault
Special Advisor
514-700-5550, poste 560