AReNA, Quebec’s RNA Hub
aims to foster and support the ecosystem, promote its key players internationally, and stimulate the creation of partnerships.
Who are we?
AReNA was founded by Axelys, CQDM, and Montréal InVivo, with the support of the MEIE, with the goal of positioning Quebec’s expertise in RNA therapies on both the provincial and international stages. Its mission: to highlight talent and foster strategic collaborations between researchers and industry to accelerate innovation in this field.
AReNA plays a central role in the development of the RNA sector by spotlighting key players, promoting collaborations between researchers and industry, and addressing specific challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers, infrastructure needs, and tailored services.
AReNA brings together everyone committed to the growth of RNA therapies in Quebec.
If you’re passionate about RNA therapies, you are part of AReNA!
Our goals
Lead and support
We energize our community by highlighting and centralizing Quebec innovations and key players in the RNA therapy industry.
Stimulate partnerships
We facilitate collaborations between industry and academia, fostering the exchange of expertise and resources.
International outreach
We are elevating Quebec’s advancements onto the global stage, positioning the province as a frontrunner in RNA-based therapies.
Founded by :
Montréal InVivo represents Greater Montreal’s life sciences and health technologies cluster, which is made up of nearly 600 organizations, including over 150 research centers, 80 subsidiaries of world-class companies and more than 40,000 people working in the sector. Montréal InVivo is a non-profit economic development organization dedicated to creating an environment conducive to innovation, growth and competitiveness for public and private organizations in the ecosystem.
Facilitator of biopharma innovation
CQDM is a not-for-profit biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to support and facilitate multi-stakeholder collaborative R&D aimed at accelerating the translation of innovative technologies by the biopharma industry into solutions that address unmet medical needs, while generating significant benefits for the Quebec and Canadian economy.
Axelys is a non-profit organization whose mission is to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of Quebec by accelerating the development and transfer of high-potential innovations stemming from public research. Axelys offers consulting and support services in development, intellectual property management and innovation transfer to all public research institutions in Quebec, in all regions. In addition, Axelys contributes to the creation of scientific companies spun off from public research.