The main objective of this initiative is to ensure that RNA researchers in Quebec have the knowledge, tools, and capability to turn inventions into innovations that benefit our society.
A portfolio of RNA technologies stemming from public research will be created to provide visibility and market access. Axelys will pursue a proactive, two-pronged approach:
1st component
Promotion and support for universities
This component’s objective is to identify RNA therapy inventions with great potential throughout the province, to reduce barriers to promoting innovation, and to maximize the transfer towards innovation. Operating from within Axelys, the strike team relies on existing resources, support programs, and knowledge of intellectual property in order to complement the efforts of large research consortia and academic excellence centres in Quebec in the field of RNA. This specialized team dedicated to RNA builds close relationships with researchers who work for public research institutions in the field of RNA across the province.

Claude Gaumond, BBA
RNA Valorization Director
A visionary and experienced leader, Claude Gaumont has over twenty-five years’ experience in both the private and public sectors.
Founder of a life sciences company, he developed a revolutionary medical device from idea to market. During his time at NRC-IRAP, he supported a number of high-potential companies, in conjunction with the academic, industrial and governmental ecosystems.

Sam Osseiran, PhD
RNA Entrepreneurship Director
With a PhD in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics from Harvard-MIT, Sam specializes in optical imaging, project management and business development in the biotech sector.

Simon Fortier, PhD
RNA Valorization Director
Holder of a PhD from IRIC, Simon has a background in consulting and research management, notably with the World Anti-Doping Agency, developing expertise in functional genomics and drug development.
The strike team’s responsibilities include conducting the following promotional activities:
- Proactive canvassing and support for academic researchers in the maturation and technological development of RNA therapies;
- Implementing recognition mechanisms for translational research;
- Mobilizing and attracting talent in the field of RNA for emerging professions due to the rise of RNA;
- Providing financial support for highlighting innovations together with financial incentives for researchers.
We expect the targeted activities to allow us to meet the ambitious objectives in relation to promoting relevant academic research on RNA therapies:
- Substantially increase the number of relevant patent applications for RNA therapy technologies filed over the next three years;
- Discover and evaluate projects from a significant number of researchers active in the field of RNA at partner institutions over the course of the first two years;
- Introduce a large proportion of promising inventions to industrial players over a period of two years.
2nd component
Boosting entrepreneurship to create new businesses
This component aims to fill the gap between current entrepreneurship support programs and quickly increase the number of startups, an important factor for the growth of the therapeutic RNA industry in Quebec.
The conceptualization and management of a new business requires an immense amount of time and significant efforts, which are separate from promotion, but essential. It should be made clear that these efforts don’t include research, but entrepreneurial activities based on the creation of a business plan, a review of the intellectual property, competition analysis, a technological development plan, verification of external supplier costs, analysis of regulatory constraints, financial modelling and the creation of a human resources plan. Accordingly, Axelys will implement a specific, high-performance program to provide coaching and support for the entrepreneurial activities of many students and post-doctorates from Quebec’s academic laboratories who are involved in business startups in the RNA sector.
The program is constituted of an important financial support that will propulse startups created in Quebec over the next three years. In addition, the program includes access to mentors who will help entrepreneurs develop their business plan and all its components. When entrepreneurs reach the right maturity level, they will also be encouraged to use specialized resources from active incubators and accelerators in Quebec.
Promoting university research and supporting entrepreneurs in the RNA therapy sector are major vectors for transforming academic discoveries into tangible, competitive innovations on the market. Axelys will conduct a series of key actions to boost the development of innovation, maximize technological transfer of academic research in Quebec, and promote the creation of new businesses according to market needs.